So, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have decided to resubmit their controversial plan for a visitor centre at Spurn, despite the East Riding Planning Committee refusing it last time on landscape impacts and flood risk grounds.
I will say again I am not against a centre at Spurn, but the location is wrong, very wrong in my opinion. So I've put together yet another objection. As my objection will be published on the East Riding Planning Portal, I guess there's no harm putting it on here either. Its rushed this time, as every time I have been on the East Riding planning portal something has gone wrong and I've not been able to see the documents until tonight. Still, it will still register my objection even if I haven't quite managed to bottom out all the nitty gritty of the facts and figures.
I guess there's also a risk my interpretation of some of the detail might be a bit out (so bear that in mind when you read it), but its not like I'm a statutory consultee, and this is where a planner comes in - its their job to sort the wheat from the chaff. And, ultimately it shouldn't matter whether I have it all there or not. If the proposals are not in line with the East Riding planning policies it shouldn't be approved. Whether the planner and the committee agree with my interpretation of their policies and the application only time will tell.
Anyway, here it is
I am writing to object to the proposed visitor centre at Spurn, Kilnsea, as proposed by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT). I am not a resident of Kilnsea, but have visited regularly (twice a year or more) over the last twenty years.
Landscape: I object to the impact that the proposed centre will have on the visual
and aesthetic quality of the area. The proposed visitor centre will be located
in an area that YWT believe will have no visual impact on the landscape.
However it is quite clear from the YWT Visual Impact Assessment that the centre
will be visible from most directions, and is only really screened when looking
north from the area of the current ‘Spurn gate’. The associated Radar tower appears
to have been removed from these proposals however this does not considerably
reduce the visual impact. Not only is the proposed centre visible it is not in
keeping with the style of building(s) frequently encountered along this area of
coast, or indeed in the wider coastal environment. The council have clearly
stated their approach to impacts on landscape on the coast around Spurn in
Policy ENV10 of the Local Plan which states that development must “…not
adversely affect heritage features, natural coastal processes, flora and fauna,
the coast or access to it by reason of scale, siting, design, noise disturbance
or traffic. Proposals involving other land uses are covered by other policies
in this Plan”. This policy also states that “Proposals for development in the
estuarine coastal area will only be approved if Policy Env5 is satisfied.” This
latter point is addressed below.
The policy document also specifies that Aim 1 of the
council is to “…preserve and enhance those features of the environment that
make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of Holderness….”.
In addition, whilst the council clearly states its position on tourist
facilities in Policy TM1 this policy is clear that these facilities must “…fall
within the established centres of population where they, meet the needs of
residents and visitors, do not adversely effect the character and amenity of
the area or place unnecessary burden on the established services and
infrastructure.” I understand that other consultations have raised the issue
that roads would need to be widened to accommodate the additional traffic, and
the potential for double yellow lines to be needed has also been raised. Both
would be a clear breach of this policy. Section 2.4.15 of the local plan also
states that “Holderness has
experienced the recent development of Environmental or "Green"
tourism reflecting national trends and societies increasing concern for the
protection of landscape and nature conservation interests. Particular
attractions in Holderness include the Spurn Heritage Coast…The Council will
encourage the development of tourism in association with the areas
environmental resources however, at the same time will ensure that new
development does not harm the environmental resources themselves through the
removal of their nature conservation
or scenic value.” Section 2.1.24 states that the council “…wishes to discourage
the encroachment of development into the open countryside.” and under the
coastal zone policies the Council identify the value of the coastal landscape
and the need to protect and value this area.
Flood Risk: The applicant does not sufficiently demonstrate how they will mitigate for the risks associated with visitor safety on the site. The proposed centre would be extremely isolated should tidal flooding occur, whereas other sites, eg Southfield Farm are located closer to evacuation routes. Similarly, the applicant’s assertion that it is “difficult” to flood proof existing buildings is not exactly true and there is no indication that the applicant has investigated what flood proofing these other buildings would require in order to come to that decision. The site at Southfield Farm opposite the Bluebell did not flood during the recent tidal surge and so may require less flood protection than that suggested by the applicant and I understand this has been offered to the applicant.
Nature Conservation: I object to the development due to the impacts on nature conservation. The council clearly sets out its stance regarding nature conservation in Policies ENV1 to ENV40. This section of the plan also establishes that the Council recognises that it has a major role to play in conserving the landscape. In section 2.1.14 the local plan states that issues needing to be addressed by the plan include: “The sea and estuary coasts need to be protected from unnecessary and inappropriate development, Identification of natural features which are important and irreplaceable and to protect them against development, and identification and protection of features of archaeological, historic and architectural importance from the effects of inappropriate development, and ensure that new development where it is appropriate is designed to have a minimal adverse impact on such features and to enhance them wherever this is appropriate”. The plans for the visitor centre and associated car parking and mitigation do not appear to comply with the policies outlined in the Local Plan, nor is it clear how the YWT plan to ensure that these policies are met, or how they will deliver a number of actions.
Aside from the counter arguments within the documents,
the statements do not provide any confidence that YWT would be able to deal
with increased visitor numbers. Apart from a bit of signage and restricting
some access there is no indication that they would have increased staff
presence other than, presumably, visitor centre staff. There is therefore a considerable
risk of disturbance to both the wildlife of the area and local communities.
The access statements also suggest that the plan is to
make Spurn more like a Fairburn Ings or Blacktoft Sands. They want to make it a
visitor destination with guided paths and restricted access. Whilst I can
appreciate that some restricted access may be beneficial, in 20 years of
visiting the site I have never witnessed anyone trespassing or wandering off
rights of way. This approach would, in itself, detract from the whole Heritage
Coast ethos and result in the area becoming anything but the environment that
it is now.
Finally, I am not against the provision of visitor
facilities at Spurn. There are however other, better alternative locations or
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